Saturday, March 10, 2012

Miss Lucas vs. Miss Elizabeth

11:55 AM, Wednesday, October 3rd, 1813:

I am still in shock due to Elizabeth’s decline of my most well-thought and impeccable proposal. I cannot imagine how she could be so unwise as to dismiss such an offer as mine! As her husband, I would have provided Elizabeth with the comfort of a wonderful home, the company of Lady Catherine, and the support of her mother and sisters after the death of their father, Mr. Bennet. I have yet to speak to her again and the only comfort I receive in rejection is the knowledge that she will not receive a proposal from a man such as myself ever again. I do find solace in her close friend, Miss Charlotte Lucas. Miss Lucas regards me with great respect and listens to my stories and little anecdotes with great alacrity. I realize my mistake now in first choosing Elizabeth as my future wife and have decided to propose to Miss Lucas, who is far more agreeable and can recognize a most deserving man when she sees one. I certainly have the ability to make her happy and I am sure she will accept my offer. Marriage will set a good example in my parish and, I am sure, will add to my happiness, as well as add to the approval of Lady Catherine in regards to myself. Next time I see Miss Lucas I will make her an offer she cannot refuse.

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